miercuri, 16 mai 2007

Ce face Romania?

The Romanian media – some of them under the spell of oligarchs who see him as a threat – is hostile to him.

On the day of our rendezvous, one newspaper has dug out an 83-year-old army pensioner who claims that Mr Basescu was handed the answers to the Marine Institute entry exam in the 1970s by a secret policeman.

Another newspaper had branded him a drunk. “He is a man whose mind is most of the time affected by alcohol,” wrote Ziua, “a man who mistakes the whisky bottle for the TV remote control.”

The President gives as good as he gets. He recently announced that parliament was a “physical wreck shortly before clinical death”.

In an exclusive interview with The Times, the square-jawed, 55-year-old former sea captain lashed out at his left-wing opponents, accusing them of stoking a crisis to cover up their corrupt dealings, and of pussyfooting with Russia. - The Times
Extrase din interviul Times-Băsescu.

Say what? Ce face România cu Rusia? Pusifuting? S-o facă des şi apăsat atunci, că nu degeaba suntem curul Balcanilor !!!

{later edit: pussyfoot
verb, intr pussyfooted, pussyfooting
1. To behave indecisively; to avoid committing oneself.
    Thesaurus: avoid, evade, equivocate, dodge, sidestep, hedge.
2. To pad about stealthily.}

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

mha mie-mi place de Nastase :)))

Bogdan spunea...

nastase stie cum se face pusifuting :))

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