marți, 5 iunie 2007

Londra 2012-Logo Olimpic

The new emblem is dynamic, modern and flexible. It will work with new technology and across traditional and new media networks. -

Tony Blair raised hopes that the symbol would leave people "inspired to make a positive change in their life" while Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee, praised it as a "truly innovative brand" that would appeal to the young. -

Pentru 400,000 £ cât a costat logo-ul ăsta, sincer, puteau să scoată o chestie mai deşteaptă. Mai dau chix şi ei, ha ha...

Închipuiţi-vă o mascotă îmbrăcată într-un costum care să aducă a logo-ul ăsta. Funny, nu?

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