Hai la referendum!!!!
Ca orice serviciu care se respectă, există şi TOS:I am the leading NEE party senate candidate in Belgium. And due to popular demand, I will give 40,000 blowjobs to anyone who requests one on this page.
It started with our response to incredible claims that were made by other parties in Belgium, several parties promised new job opportunities in ridiculous amounts. We responded with a parody campaign for which I posed naked and promised our voters 400.000 new jobs.
This national campaign resulted in international media attention and I received hundreds of e-mails asking for 400,000 blowjobs. If this would get us even more media attention, I'm willing to give 40,000 blowjobs to make the statement.
According to my planning this would take me 500 days to tour around the world, visiting all the ones who signed up for a blowjob on this page, giving 80 blowjobs per day. So the offer is limited, sign up while you still can.
Click the button if you would like me to give you a blowjob.
Note: those who are married or shy can also choose to receive their blowjob in Second Life
Description of ServicesSă ne pregătim de pe acum pentru debutul vedetei Laura Andreşan în politică?
The Services consist of Tania performing fellatio on selected individuals who have requested the Services through this form. Travel and other expenses will be covered by NEE. Any sort of recording (video, audio or photographs) of the performance is strictly prohibited without written permission. We adhere to high standards of service but due to time limitations each performance can last no longer than 5 minutes, no exceptions will be made under any circumstance.
any attempt to influence the depth of insertion by the user will
result in immediate end of service
Cea mai tare fază:
submitting several applications will not result in more blowjobs.!

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